Watch Your Response

James 1:19-20 reminds us that you must act intentionally.

  1. Because God desires righteousness in your life, you must be swift to hear (v.19a).
  2. Because God desires righteousness in your life, you must be slow to speak (v.19b).
  3. Because God desires righteousness in your life, you must be slow to anger (v.19c-20).

God’s Good Provision

James 1:17 is one of my favorite passages in Scripture. It reminds us that God only gives good gifts and that God never changes! We, as sinful beings, tend to take God’s good gifts for granted. I hope this message will turn your heart toward God as you contemplate His good gifts! Because God is good, you must give Him credit.

  1. Because God gives good gifts to mankind, you must give Him credit. (v.17)
  2. Because God gives good gifts to you, you must give Him credit. (v. 18)

The Process of Sin

Mankind has been plagued with the temptation to blame others for their sin since the garden of Eden. Sinful man even introduces God into the blame game! The Apostle James makes clear that God is not the source of your sin. James 1:13-15 teaches us that because you sin, you must repent!

  1. Because you are the source of sin, you must repent. (vv.13-14)
  2. Because you allow sin to progress, you must repent. (v.15a)
  3. Because death is guaranteed, you must repent. (v. 15b)


God expects us to pass the the tests of life with our faith still in tact. This is not easy. It is rather one of the hardest things in life. It mandates that the Christian not only survive life but also keep focused on the most important thing in life: following Christ.
Eternity is the means of enduring the present. James 1:12 says keep eternity in front of you as you endure trials in this life.

How to Respond to Hardship

We avoid hardship. This is a normal response to hardship but it is not a spiritual response to hardship. James 1:2 states…

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations.

The word “temptations” here in James is referring to spiritual trials. James has a different response to hardship! I want to challenge you with this truth: because trials are beneficial for your faith, you must rejoice in trials. This is not the way that we normally think about hardship. And yet, joy is the biblical response to trials.