
God expects us to pass the the tests of life with our faith still in tact. This is not easy. It is rather one of the hardest things in life. It mandates that the Christian not only survive life but also keep focused on the most important thing in life: following Christ.
Eternity is the means of enduring the present. James 1:12 says keep eternity in front of you as you endure trials in this life.

Author: Micah Felber

Pastor Micah's burden is to glorify God through building His church. He has a passion for preaching God’s word and sharing God's truth. He loves working with people and helping them succeed.

One thought on “Perseverance”

  1. Thank you, Pastor Micah, for sharing His word in this way. Even with my poor sound system I am able to hear your messages clearly using earphones rather than my hearing aids.

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